Jesus commanded the Church in His last words, “Go and make disciples” (Mt. 28:19): so that is what we do!

In churches, on university campuses, on TV, and across the globe, we proclaim the Good News of Jesus.

New Fire for Christ (NFC) is a global evangelistic ministry dedicated to sharing the message of Jesus Christ in strategic nations around the world. Through large-scale evangelistic festivals, mass discipleship programs, and partnerships with local leaders, NFC focuses on reaching unreached people groups and training disciples to multiply their faith. Their mission is to not only bring people to Christ but also to empower new believers to become lifelong disciples and disciple-makers, ensuring lasting impact and spiritual growth across nations.

Learn More

Our Mission

To reach as many as possible for Christ through mass evangelism and discipleship.

Our Vision

We accomplish this mission through leading large evangelistic festivals in cities and in strategic schools and universities around the world, inviting people to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior, to discover His great plan for their lives, and to multiply by going and making more disciples for Christ.


Our Motto

To reach AMAP (As Many As Possible) for Christ around the world

We are nothing… But Jesus + Nothing = Everything!

Ministry Services
Campus Ministries

Want to increase your yearly numbers up to 10x in just one week? Schedule a week of evangelism with New Fire for Christ partnering with you.

Local Church

Do you want to revive or inspire your congregation on topics like Prayer and Evangelism?

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Campaign Director
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What We Do
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    NFC is a team of dedicated Christians who are bound together with the purpose of bringing as many people as possible to Christ. NFC reaches many nations and many different people around the world.

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    Bringing people together through Christ by teaching love, forgiveness, and acceptance. It is our goal to create an environment of inclusion and understanding, where everyone feels welcome and valued.

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  • NFC welcomes people from all walks of life.

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  • We reach other nations to spread the teachings of Christ through various mission work. NFC understands cultural and social differences of each community.

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  • NFC shares Christ through partnerships with local churches and organizations. By working with established groups in other countries, We build relationships and share the gospel in a way that is culturally appropriate and respectful.

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  • God's Impact

    New Fire (Dr. Bob & Mallory Boyd and their teams) has brought the gospel to 10’s thousands of students in the U.S on over 200 university campuses and in many churches across the U.S., New Fire has brought the gospel to 10 nations and to hundreds of thousands of students in Kenya alone and developed a School of Discipleship where over 200,000 students are being discipled regularly in four African countries.

    Burundi is following in the steps of Kenya, beginning a School of Discipleship after New Fire for Christ did a city-wide, evangelistic campaign in the capital, Bujumbura.

    NFC has birthed 46 churches in Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Russia, and Tanzania; and over 200,000 students are being taught weekly or bi-weekly through the School of Discipleship.

    As a result of the campaign in Peshawar, Pakistan, many Muslims came to Christ,

    and a secret church was formed in Afghanistan (the first one in that nation!) after hearing the powerful gospel.

    We continue to reach those in Pakistan through numerous TV broadcasts in Pakistan, with help from our faithful and enduring Pakistani team. 20 churches have been born in Pakistan, and other outreach events and meetings are led by NFC team members.

    In Russia, one church was started, and many existing churches were strengthened after our preaching the gospel there.

    Our team in India continues to minister to people within the homes and in the community following successful evangelist, city-wide campaigns, where over 15 churches were started.

Welcome to New Fire for Christ

"Except a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides by itself alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." (John 12:24)

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What people say about NFC!

“As a result of your Team’s evangelistic festival in our great city, 50,000 men and women heard the gospel; and 18 new churches have already begun. We have never seen anything like this happen!”

Bishop Mgullu Kilimba

Dar es Salaam (a city of 3 million people in Africa)

“969 people prayed to receive Jesus Christ through Dr. Boyd and his team in Pakistan!”  

Christian Leader


“We saw more come to Christ through Bob’s visit than in the last 7 years of ministry at Princeton… His evangelistic festival at Princeton was the most successful evangelistic outreach that we have ever had.”

Matt Bennett

(Former) Crusade Campus Director


New Fire for Christ

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