Our Staff

Dr. Bob Boyd, Jr.

Bob Boyd, Jr. is an International Evangelist and President of New Fire for Christ. Bob together with his wife, Mallory, has spoken to many millions of people in audiences around the world and on TV and seen over 88,000 pray to receive Christ and become active disciples of Christ. He lives with Mallory, a gifted Bible teacher, in Norfolk, VA. They have 4 sons: Bobby (Christian Camp Director), Benjamin (Pastor), Billy, MD (Radiologist), and Brian (Software Engineer). 


Bob was a state champion wrestler in high school. He graduated from the College of William and Mary in the honors program in Biology, after a dramatic conversion to Christ in his senior year. He earned a ThM (magna cum laude) from Dallas Theological Seminary, winning the Seminary’s Lincoln Award in Bible Exposition, and co-founding the Seminary’s annual Week of Evangelism. Then he received a Beeson Fellowship at Asbury Theological Seminary, where he earned a doctorate in Biblical Preaching. 


Bob pastored a growing church on the original “Walton’s Mountain” of TV fame (near Charlottesville, VA.) before he was invited to become an International Speaker with Campus Crusade for Christ. Working with Campus Crusade, and now as the founder and president of New Fire for Christ, Dr. Boyd has led city-wide evangelistic campaigns and conferences around the world. Dr. Boyd has spoken to tens of thousands of students on university campuses such as Princeton, the University of Virginia, and the University of Chicago. Then Bob and the New Fire Team expanded into leading city-wide evangelistic campaigns around the world, including the U.S., Pakistan, India, Russia, Tanzania, and Kenya. As a result, New Fire has founded ongoing Schools of Discipleship, with 200,000 students in Africa and Asia being discipled regularly, and with multitudes of lives being wonderfully changed. In addition, Bob has spoken to audiences of millions around the world through television and radio shows online.


 An ordained Southern Baptist minister, Dr. Boyd is listed in Who’s Who in Religion, 2,000 Notable Men in America, and other honorary publications. 


   Bob and his wife Mallory love lost people and have dedicated their lives to reach as many as possible for Christ.

Mallory B. Boyd

Mallory Boyd has been a founder and International Speaker with New Fire for Christ since 1997. She is a gifted speaker and Bible teacher, and has spoken to over 150,000 people in enthusiastic audiences around the world, including the U.S., Russia, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, India and Pakistan. She has also trained many missionaries and pastors’ wives and other women to lead effective ministries. Mallory has taught Walk Thru the Bible live events to over 20,000 people in Africa, where she and the New Fire Team have trained the Nationals to disciple over 200,000 students in weekly discipleship meetings within the schools.

Prior to that, Mallory was on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for 15 years. She was also a pastor's wife for 2 years on the original "Walton's Mountain" of TV fame.

Mallory is a graduate of Southern Methodist University with a BFA in Studio Art.

Mallory is the co-author of The New Life, an evangelistic training tool. She is also an award-winning watercolor artist and enjoys photography and hiking.

Mallory is the wife of evangelist Dr. Robert F. Boyd, Jr., and is the mother of four sons, Bobby, Benjamin, Billy and Brian. She lives in Norfolk, Virginia.

Dear Ministry Partners, Prayer Warriors, and other Friends,


We want to introduce you to some of our key Team Directors in Africa (in addition to our ministries in the U.S., Canada, Russia, Ukraine, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Hong Kong), so you can get to know them better and pray for them. They have all been a delight to work with and we have seen God work through them in wonderful ways. We are so blessed to have them on our New Fire for Christ team!

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David Wambura Mugaya

Africa Campaign Director for New Fire for Christ

Prior to his current role in New Fire for Christ, David served as an assistant pastor, administrator and volunteer social worker at Lifeline Ministry and Fellowship - Kenya, helping teach and organize seminars and campaigns. Before joining the New Fire for Christ leadership team, he served as a volunteering staff from December 2011 to October 2016.

He has a diploma in Biblical Studies, and is husband to Mercy Atieno, and is also a fine artist (watercolor and acrylics) and a Walk Thru the Bible Trainer.

David’s passion can be traced back to childhood, where as a student leader he spent significant time teaching others in primary school, Sunday school, even through high school, art school, and college.

In addition to serving full-time as the NFC Campaign Director in Africa, he oversees the ministries in Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi as well as Zanzibar. David is proud to contribute as a Swahili translator and interpreter for Dr. Bob and Mallory Boyd (NFC Founders). For David, teaching God’s Word, staff training, and planning is the most rewarding part of the role New Fire for Christ offers in addition to helping reach as many as possible for Christ, and see them grow and know Christ.

Evans Ulwami

Kenya Director for New Fire for Christ

Evans Ulwami was born June 27, 1983 in Vihiga County, in western part of Kenya. He is the second child of the late Christopher Mudanya Lwami and Jennifer Muhonja. 

He went to Madira Primary School, then Vihiga High School from 2000 to 2003. 

From 2004 to 2005 he joined K.I.T.C in Kisumu (Kisumu Industrial Training Center) to train as a General Fitter and Welder under mechanical engineering. From 2006 to 2008 joined Miracle Seed Bible College and later graduated with a Diploma in Christian Ministries. Also, Evans holds a Diploma in Christian Theology from Pentecostal Assemblies of God and a Diploma in Christian Theology from Listen to Learn Bible College, both in Kenya.

He came to Christ in 1996. Then in 2006 he came to Eldoret to do Agro-Business. The same year 2006 while in Eldoret he met Dr. Bob & Mallory Boyd, founders of New Fire for Christ (NFC), while discipling students in schools, and later joined the School of Discipleship as staff to help fulfill the Great Commission. He was welcomed to the team with the Boyd family, and later he began attending staff training to reach and disciple students in the schools of W. Kenya, working in fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Later Dr. Bob, Mallory and the team appointed Evans to be the Eldoret Region Director from 2007 to 2011. Later he was asked to come and help in the Webuye Region from 2012 to 2013 as the Webuye Regional Director.

Dr. Bob & Mallory discovered Evans was faithful and hard working in helping the School of Discipleship and NFC to grow and expand. They appointed him to be the country of Kenya Director from 2014 to date. Through the Boyds and the leadership of Evans and his team, 137,000 students are being discipled in Kenya weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. Evans has also helped students in the republic not only to know Jesus Christ, but also to share the Gospel with unreached people groups like the Somalis who live in Nairobi (Eastleigh). For the last five years he has led dozens of top students to reach Muslims for Jesus through playing soccer and then sharing the gospel.

Evans Ulwami married Mary Ulwami on 16th February 2013. Both have been blessed with three sons, namely Jeriel, Chasdiel, and Balthial. Both live peaceful lives serving the Lord and working with New Fire For Christ - Kenya.

Dr. Bob and Mallory have mentored Evans from being a youth to adulthood, helping him to understand the work of ministry and how to disciple students as well as to train the staff in Kenya to teach the Bible to students, from Genesis to Revelation, and also making sure New Fire For Christ's four year curriculum is well maintained. Being faithful and diligent in serving the Lord, Evans has grown to oversee the ministry in Kenya, which has ten New Fire for Christ regional directors, in Kisumu, Nandi, Eldoret, Sabatia, Webuye, Lodwar, Mount Elgon, West Pokot, Bumula, and Kijabe. 

Pray for him and the excellent job he is doing!

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Julian Safdar Joseph

Pakistan Director for New Fire for Christ

I am Julian Safdar Joseph, son of Rev. Safdar Joseph, serving the Lord since the year 2001 with New Fire for Christ, as their Director in Pakistan. I have my leadership training from Haggai Institute, Singapore.

I am married to Fauzia Julian and I have two daughters. I am immensely blessed with cooperative staff and prayer partners. I am pleased to serve the less privileged Christian community in Pakistani areas in Punjab: Sheikhupura, Lahore (Khaliq Nagar), and Islamabad.

Our ministry in Pakistan has shared evangelism in crowds in city-wide evangelistic campaigns with Dr. Bob Boyd, and in nationwide TV broadcasts with Dr. Bob as well. We have also shared Christ with transgenders, Muslim brothers and sisters, and gypsies. It is my vision to serve the Lord while living in a country that has a majority in Muslims and Christians as a minority.

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Bishop Ntizompeba Hezroni

Burundi Director for New Fire for Christ

Bishop Hezroni has been preaching and teaching the word of God since his teens and has been in pastoral ministry since 1982 when he was ordained as a full time Pastor of Tanzania Assemblies of God at Tabora. Then from 1992, he became a founder and Archbishop of Calvary Evangelical Assembly, Tanzania. In effort to stimulate his visions of church planting and reach more people, in 1991, he established a Bible college, Tabora Pentecoste Bible College and trained many church planters. His education including a higher Diploma in Theology from East Africa School of Theology Nairobi, Kenya 1981. He also obtained various certificates from different colleges. For more than 30 years now, Bishop Hezroni has been teaching the words of God around the world, particularly in Africa, conducting various seminars and training workshop for church leaders.

Since 2004, Bishop Hezroni answered the call to come to Burundi with New Fire for missionary ministry across the country, sharing the gospel through evangelism, discipleship, leaders' training and youth camps.

Bishop Hezroni believes the Great Commission of the church is to go and make disciples of every person possible. For the church to be successful we must incorporate evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. It’s our responsibility to reach as many people as we can, transforming their lives through Jesus Christ. To achieve all of this, we must put a lot of our effort to reach the youth, teaching and sending them… that is why Bishop Hezroni decided to work together with Dr. Bob and Mallory and has served as the country director of New Fire For Christ in Burundi from 2018 up to now.

Bishop Hezroni has been married to his beloved wife Esperance for 45 years now, and together they have eight children and seven grandchildren.

Joshua Wanyonyi Masika

Kenya Administrator for NFC

Joshua Wanyonyi Masika is a staff member with the Ministry of New Fire for Christ as Kenya Office Administrator and also the Webuye Regional Leader.

He was born on May 14, 1998, the last born in a family of eight. He attended his primary education in Mukhuyu FYM primary school from 2002 -2013, and his secondary level from 2014 – 2017 at St. Mathews ACK Secondary School Webuye. Ever since primary school he got to know New Fire for Christ, and on August 19, 2010, Joshua gave his life to Jesus Christ, being prayed for with laid hands by Dr. Bob Boyd while in class six. After his secondary school, he had a calling for theological studies. He joined Friends Theological College Kaimosi where he earned his certificate in pastoral ministry, a Certificate in Chaplaincy and is now doing his Diploma in Theology.

The New for Christ Ministry has enabled Joshua to take his studies with the support he receives, and NFC has made it easy for him to reach schools and unreached groups of people with the word of God, thus accomplishing the mission and vision of the ministry to reach, teach, and send. The ministry has enabled him to grow spiritually, be stable and alert in life through the training we conduct every term, and increase his level of spiritual well-being.

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Saimon Federico Mputa 

 Zanzibar Director for New Fire for Christ

Date of Birth: 11th May 1968. Saimon was born in a native doctor's family and became a traditional medicine man before he was born again in the year 2000. He then became a youth leader in the church from 2001 to 2005. I became a pastor in 2005 and a bishop in 2007. 

He got a Certificate in Theology in 2010 at 2x2 Mission College in Kampala - Uganda. I then received a Diploma in Theology in Pacific Fiji. In 2020, he served as a volunteer with Operation Christmas Child (OCC) as a church mobilizer. 

He found grace to volunteer with New Fire for Christ in April 2021. He joined New Fire for Christ, so I may use his talents and gifts as a pastor and evangelist to help grow the ministry in Zanzibar.

He is a husband to Christina Saimon Madeje, father to Jennemary, Elizabeth and Maiko, and a grandfather to five grandchildren.

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Luka Mote

 Tanzania Director for New Fire for Christ

Luka has been a teacher and an outstanding leader since his teens. In adulthood, he has served as a secondary school teacher and as a leader in three schools for nine years. Currently, he is serving full-time as the New Fire for Christ Tanzania Director. Luka is grateful to lead the New Fire for Christ team in Tanzania on behalf of Dr. Bob and Mallory Boyd, and to help the NFC team to reach, teach and make disciples in Christ. 

Before his current role in New Fire for Christ, Luka served as Christian Mission Fellowship Church Administrator and Church Elder. He also previously served as an NFC teacher and assisted the former Tanzania Director in matters of administration. Today, he holds a Certificate of Biblical Studies, a Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Dar es Salaam, and a Master of Arts in Education Management from the St. John University of Tanzania. 

He and his wife Claudia Makanga, have been married since 2012 and they are the proud parents of one child, Reeselyn.


Praise God for all of these fine team include Directors! As you read about these directors, please remember them in your prayers.

David and Hezroni are meeting with the committee chairman who will be deciding whether or not to use our New Fire for Christ Curriculum in all of the High Schools of Burundi, the poorest, (but very friendly!) nation in the world. What an opportunity that would be if they said YES! Pray for a YES answer, please.

Please continue to pray that New Fire finds the right individuals to fill our Campaign Director position as well as our Administrative Assistant position.


Please pray for the training of our team leaders in Dar es Salaam & Zanzibar, Tanzania, and David, who is teaching those teams. Also, we pray for David as he meets with the bishops & pastors in Zanzibar in preparation for our NFC evangelistic outreach, to be held in mid-July. This will be the first evangelistic outreach on the whole 99% Muslim island.


And also pray for Mallory, who will be teaching "Walk Thru the Bible" at Tab Church in Norfolk, VA and Calvary Baptist Church in Roanoke Rapids, NC. 

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